BAAL Membership Benefits
All memberships run for a period of 12 months with a membership term of January to December.
Members who are not resident in the UK are welcome to join BAAL.
If you join BAAL part way through the year your subscription will be offered and charged on a pro-rata basis. Please note if you join anytime from the 1st August onwards, you will be required to also pay for membership for the following year.
Individual Membership
Full individual membership of BAAL is priced at £50 per annum. We also offer reduced price individual membership at £20 per annum for full-time students and retired/unwaged individuals. Individual membership of BAAL offers full access to:
- Special interest Groups
- Seminars in association with Cambridge University Press, with discounted registration.
- Special publisher discounts on a range of books and journals, sent via BAALmail.
- BAALmail, our membership mailing list.
- Our bi-annual BAAL newsletter
- Membership of AILA, the International Association of Applied Linguistics, including a discount for the triennial AILA World Congress.
Institutional Membership
The annual subscription for institutional membership of BAAL is £120. Up to 4 named individuals can receive full membership benefits under this type of membership. The individual membership subscription is usually priced at £50 per annum, so Institutional Membership represents a 40% discount for each named institutional member. The benefits of individual membership are listed above and all apply to individuals named under an institutional membership.
Associate Membership
BAAL offers associate membership to publishers and other organisations who support the applied linguistics community and wish to support BAAL in particular. The annual subscription for associate membership of BAAL is £125. Up to 4 named individuals can receive full membership benefits under this type of membership. Individual membership subscription is usually priced at £50 per annum, so associate membership represents a 37.5% discount for each named associate member. The benefits of Individual membership are listed above and all apply to individuals named under an associate membership.
Associate Members are encouraged to exhibit at our annual conference, and are offered a discount of £40 on exhibition fees. In addition, Associate Members are permitted to make up to 4 publicity postings to BAALmail – our membership mailing list – per year. We also provide links to our Associate Members’ webpages from the Associates page of this website.
Please read our full Membership Terms and Conditions.